a seemingly random journey through cinema's heart of darkness. so to speak.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Sorry, Pt. 429

Just got distracted by holiday shit and this whole Oscar season December movie thang. Updates (or something) tk in the forseeable future. In the meantime, no YTTOSSPW clip this week, but plenty of pluggings:

11/21 An interview with Todd Haynes, a Six Pack on eccentric biopics (whaddaya know, like I'm Not There) a review of The Bubble (third down) and Rep.

11/28 A lead on The Rape of Europa (slow week), a review of War Dance, a Six Pack on techno marvels that have been forgotten (or, like Beowulf, will be), an A-List bemoaning the decline of Peter Greenaway and Rep, where I bemoan some more.

12/5 An assessment of Futurama: Bender's Big Score, a Six Pack on clothed or nudity-free sex scenes, a review of Blade Runner: The Final Cut and Rep.

Lastly, I'd like to put in a word for the new blog Thrift Store Music, maintained by my landlord/roommate Shepard Ritzen. At this late date, solid blog gimmicks are hard to come by, but Shep has gone and dreampt up with one: an avid collector of semi-randomly chosen thrift store (and flea market) LPs, he'll be showcasing his findings on this new blog, complete with reviews, track listings, images, copious links and, when available, mp3 samples. It's a mighty task -- there's already a list up of dozens of records to catalog -- but Shep is entirely the guy who'll keep at it. Unlike some people.