a seemingly random journey through cinema's heart of darkness. so to speak.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Missing Links

Where does the time go? Seems to me I've been remiss in posting my Weekly junk lo these last three weeks. So, hold onto your seats, 'cause I've been busy:

  • In the 4/5/06 issue, you can find ten mini-blurbs for the PFF (including such keepers as The Proposition, Tokyo Zombie, and Wordplay*), and, as ever, Rep.
  • For 4/12/06, there be reviews of On a Clear Day, the awesomely titled Gay Sex in the 70s [sic], and (for real this time) Winter Passing. And, as ever, Rep.
  • And today, we're all about the reviews of American Dreamz and L'Enfant. And, as ever, Rep.

* Eagle-eyed regulars to this site will notice that my Wordplay grade, found on my 2006 grades page, no longer jives with the mixed write-off I gave it in the PW PFF coverage. And you'd be right, if you in fact cared. While I didn't give it another go proper, I did watch a bit of it a couple days ago and, basically, couldn't believe that I wasn't less than endlessly bemused. Consider it one of those unfortunate cases where a steady dose of movies -- and, in my case, also moving -- results in a slight missing of the point and an underrating of that which doesn't deserve to be underrated. Also, Jon Stewart is not, as it turns out, really annoying during his semi-gratuitous interviews. Also, that championship finale is totally fucking thrilling. What was I thinking, etc.


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